

if i was to order a custom necklace on girlprops that reads 'bukkakeslut' it would be 34.99.. i dont know if i have that sort of cash money to throw around just this minute.. life is hard. plus shipping and handling? get real!
i want a totally fresh and DIY experience for otp.. dark text and pages heavy with art.. dripping with blood.. stuffed and angry.. short storytelling.. a 3-4 page bible of queer and allie based criteria that is an anecdote of the heart. lonely ideas and lovely expression exploding inbetween sentences printed in lucida console.

listen to velvet elvis (RAC remix) by alex winston.. follow me on hypem (username: rubyru)

anyways i have to go...




im going to post in here regularly and hopefully something will come of it. no real works with a physical zine as of late.. soon i hope!!!! new layout!!!

xx ruben